What is Hydroponic Farming, and is it Safe for the Environment?

Oct 13, 2022

Hydroponic farming is a way to grow plants without using soil. Nutrients are typically added to plants that are cultivated in sand, gravel, or liquid. As we learn more about the science of plants, hydroponic farming has gotten cheaper, easier, and more productive.

Hydroponics works with plants in the same way that straws work with people, except with plants, the control of fluids and additives is even greater. When I’m out hiking, I’m reminded of hydroponics when I use my LifeStraw Go. It filters out impurities and ensures the water I’m using is clean and healthy, just like with hydroponics. 

The technology has improved so much you can easily practice hydroponics in your backyard, or if you live in an apartment, a balcony or small table will do. All you need is a small amount of undisturbed space with access to light.

Benefits of Hydroponic Farming

Growing your own food at home using hydroponics has a variety of advantages, with very few disadvantages. It’s a sustainable way to source fresh produce that has higher concentrations of nutrients than store-bought produce. In fact, with hydroponics you have so much control over the nutrient content, you can sometimes get better results than growing in soil. Many people I know have both a traditional garden in the soil and a separate, hydroponic garden.

Hydroponic farming has higher yields per square foot than traditional farming, and because it can be cultivated indoors, you don’t have to worry about seasonality. You can grow anything you want, any time you want. It’s also more efficient with water and raw materials.

Grow your own food and you open up many avenues of health for yourself and the planet. You create lower carbon emissions and have access to more foods that are free of additives and preservatives. Less of your food has to be trucked in, and you can be confident that petroleum-based fertilizers are not being used. And packing materials like crates, cardboard, and plastic wrappers are unnecessary when you grow your food at home. 

Outdoor farming alters the local environment. Fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides can run off your property and have unintended consequences downstream, polluting the water and soil. Hydroponics reduces these impacts, and in some cases, eliminates them entirely.

Eat Organic with Hydroponics

Organic foods are expensive, and you can’t always be sure that what you’re paying for is what you get. Many growers do the bare minimum to get the organic label, and they aren’t always focused on providing the best food for you and your family. 

When you cultivate your own garden, you can always have fresh produce around that you know has been grown right. Seeds suitable for hydroponics can be found at your local hardware store, gardening center, or from many online shopping providers.

Modern living gets more expensive and stressful every day. Gardening is a great way to save money, reduce stress, and get more exercise. Whether you have room in your yard, a porch, or just a little space by a corner window, you can grow your own food. Hydroponic gardening at home is easier and more rewarding than ever.

The best takeaway is learning how to grow food. If you have children, having this in your home can give you an opportunity to spend time with your whole family and build stronger, healthier relationships. The skills you give your children can create a bond they can pass down to their children and improve the future.

Go Green With Hydroponic Farming

Let’s face it, grocery stores are outdated. Mass-producing foods use a lot of material and fuel for packaging, shipping, and storage and too much gets thrown out in the dumpster after going bad. The traditional grocery store system has met its replacement in hydroponic gardening. 

Even if you live in an urban environment, hydroponics gives you the opportunity to have healthy food that is clean and fresh. Life is expensive, especially in big cities, so the low cost and high quality of hydroponic foods is a potential game changer for health and sustainability.

Growing your own food at home gives you full control of what you want to eat. You can control all of the variables, improving nutrition and reducing the amount of fertilizer, herbicides, and pesticides you use. You’ll also get the added benefits of more oxygen and cleaner air in your home. Green plants living in your home can also provide stress relief and make you feel more optimistic and connected to nature.

There is nothing like the aroma, taste, and experience of freshly picked organic produce. The greatest chefs in the world bring out the natural essence of their ingredients using time-honored techniques that you can access, too. Eating out at high-quality restaurants would bankrupt most people, but it’s possible to reproduce these meals at home for a fraction of the cost. 

Without money, you can always grow food to survive. Without plants, there’s no amount of money that will bring you food.

Live a Cleaner, More Sustainable Life

You can live in a green home. Getting started is easier than you might think. Seeds suitable for hydroponics can be found at your local hardware store, gardening center, or from many online shopping solutions. 

The main differences between organic vs non-organic are related to the fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. Factory farms use products that are synthesized in labs. While we know a lot about plants, there is still much we do not know. What kind of hidden risks come from synthetic chemicals? What undiscovered benefits come from taking the natural route? Many fertilizers today are synthesized from fossil fuels, which increases the carbon footprint from the farm, too.

Organic farming doesn’t use any of these synthetics or petroleum-based solutions. All of the products used by organic farmers come from living sources. 

Hydroponic gardens are a form of personal ecotherapy that improves the health of your local environment. Growing and buying local also helps improve environmental wellness.

Gardening is one of my favorite hobbies to do at home. It improves my emotional health and helps me connect with nature, all while helping clean up the environment and promote healthy eating habits.

You can start hydroponic farming, even if you only have a small corner of available space. Starting small is actually the smart way to go. When you are learning something new, starting with one or two plants helps you focus on learning the techniques and theory. As you gain confidence and skill, you can scale up to larger and larger operations.

Now that you know more about what hydroponics is and how everyone can benefit, you can get started today. I recommend a simple starter kit to help you learn the basics. Order yours today and take your first step into a happier, healthier, and greener life.

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